If you have created a contract and have successfully activated the charging card, you can now invite your driver to use the smartphone app.
What are the benefits of using the smartphone app?
- The driver can search and find suitable charge points including information about availability, charging type, connectors, hotline number of the charge point provider, and more.
- The driver can plan the route and start the navigation to the selected charge point.
- The driver can initiate and stop a charging session via the remote start-stop function.
How can I invite the driver to register and use the smartphone app?
Before a driver can register in the smartphone app, please check the following prerequisites:
- The contract is active.
- The charging card is active.
- The contact assigned to the contract is not registered yet in the app.
If all prerequisites are fulfilled, you can invite your driver to register on the smartphone app:
- Please click on the contract and open the sidebar on the right-hand side.
- Scroll down and click on Invite Driver to use App
- Please enter first name, last name, e-mail address, and invitation language.
- You can now select between two invitation methods:
) Send invitation via email: An automatic invitation e-mail will be created and sent to the driver's e-mail address. The driver just needs to click on the invitation link, create a new password, and complete the registration.
) Download invitation letter: A invitation letter will be created will all relevant information for the registration process. You can easily download the letter and send the file to the driver for registration. The driver just needs to scan the QR code, create a new password, and complete the registration.
- In both cases, after successful registration, the account for the smartphone app will be created and the driver can log in to the smartphone app.
Alternatively, if you don't have the name and the e-mail address of the driver, yet, please just forward the contract number and charging card number to the driver. He/she will be able to register himself/herself on the smartphone by entering all mandatory information directly in the smartphone app.
Roles & Rights: Only users with the role Fleet Admin and Fleet Manager have the right to invite drivers to the smartphone app.