A contract is a basis for a driver to charge via the smartphone app or a charging card.
How to create a new contract:
- Please go to CONTRACTS. This page provides you an overview of multiple, different features to ensure a simple and efficient management of contracts.
- Please click the button Add Contract which is situated in the bottom right-hand corner to open the sidebar.
- Once the sidebar is open, please click the option SINGLE CONTRACT.
- Please provide the following information:
- Fleet Group
- Tariff
- Card Number (If you don't have any charging cards, yet, please proceed with Step 2: Ordering charging cards and leave out card number for now)
- Contact Type - Fleet Manager or Fleet Driver
- Optional: VIN, Vehicle Type, Model, License Plate
- Once all information is provided, please click on Create Contract.
The contract is now created.
- Please wait until the status of the contract and the charging card change to Active. Once the contract and card are active, the driver will be able to register in the smartphone app and can authenticate at a charging station via the charging card. If you don't have any charging cards, yet, please order your charging cards in Step 2: Ordering charging cards
Please note: It can take up to 24h before the card can be used at all charge points in our network.
Important to know:
Only the users with the Fleet Admin and Fleet Manager have the right to create contracts.
For more information regarding contracts, watch our video: